2011 m. gegužės 11 d., trečiadienis

Final (End of ESP Course) Self-Assessment


Writing: Writing summaries was quite interesting to me. My performance was quite good in this task this semester. I learned all the rules of summaries writing. However, I made some efforts during practicing. But, I think, that I know, how to do it.

  • Short talks. I have never done this, actually. I was thinking: "I am prepared, but not good enough. Maybe next time". So, that is main reason. 
  • Impromptu.  An impromptu speech is easily the most difficult task of  speaking assignment. It is a type of speech that will not give enough time to prepare. I prefer to think before speaking.
  • PPP (Power Point Presentation). This was one of the most interesting tasks. If you want to make a good presentation, you have to put there the main ideas.
Listening: Listening online was easier than listening to the cassettes. The audio quality was better and it was easier to understand the meaning. Actually, I like online interactive materials. It gives a great opportunity to improve my English listening skills.

ESP Vocabulary: 
  • Formal tests in class. This task was very useful to me, because I learned a lot of new words.  Now I have a wide range of vocabulary. 
  • Class tests online. It was effective to use and to increase my knowledge. 
  • Moodle tests. It was easy to do it. So, I do not find difficult to do these tests. There was no time limit, there was no pressure. You can do it, when you want. Even at night! 
To sum up, I could say that we have to practice our English in our day life. Common topics could be: introductions, current events, food, books, movies, sports, hobbies, art, music, education, family, holidays, travel, and the weather. Let it gives the opportunity to practice English skills.

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