2011 m. kovo 28 d., pirmadienis

Personality Test

         A personality test aims to describe aspects of a person's character that remain stable throughout that person's lifetime, the individual's character pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings. 

So, I took two personality tests. The first was according to Carl’s Jung and Myers-Briggs Personality typology. Both of them shows that I am truly extrovert and that is true!

Test gave the results. The first type was ESFJ (Extroverted Sensing Feeling Judging). The second type was ESTJ. (Extroverted Sensing Thinking Judging). Differ is in only one letter.

Most people, who prefer extroversion, just like me, prefer action over reflection. Sometimes I may act quickly without thinking. I like to communicate by talking. These people, who have this type are the most communicative people of all types. Yes, I am sociable and expressive. 

People with this personality type are always willing to help. They strive for harmony and positive interactions. I truly agree with this, because I spend my time to create harmony around myself. I appreciate sensibility and warmth. It is very important in relationships.

I use my "sixth sense" and I trust my inspiration. I start many projects, but sometimes it is difficult to finish them. 

This test shows, that I can work in management, administration, law enforcement, and the other shows that I am good at education, health care, religion. So I prefer to choose the second option, because it is more reflective of me. I am not really interested in law or management. It looks boring to me. I want to add that I do not like to judge the others.

 To sum up, both tests showed similar results. Personality test is a good way to know yourself better.

2011 m. kovo 24 d., ketvirtadienis

Giving Entire Cultures a Personality Test


The author of the article says that every individual is different. It was stated that all people can be divided into extroverts and introverts, and it is also usual for people to follow the stereotype of judging others’ personalities according to their nationality or origin. 
In order to learn whether the stereotypes reflect the actual cultural differences, there was a research done. The results of the survey showed that the participants are able to give a summary of their characters. However, the “actual personality profiles” did not match “the national character”. Thus, individuals should not be evaluated as the face of a nation and the stereotypes usually reflect the image that people create about themselves not what they really are like. 
In conclusion, a single person cannot represent the whole nation and deciding about the face of a nation by judging a separate individual is more the matter of historical than a current image.

2011 m. kovo 9 d., trečiadienis


Cloning is producing a genetic twin of another organism. There are 3 kinds of cloning:  
·    Recombinant - the transfer of a DNA fragment of interest from one organism to a self-replicating genetic element.  Scientists call it a bacterial plasmid. 
Meaning that is taking one thing of something and putting it in something else.
·    Reproductive cloning is used to make an animal that has the same DNA as an animal that is living or extinct. This is how Dolly was made.
·    Therapeutic also called "embryo cloning". Therapeutic uses human embryos for research.
The goal of Therapeutic is not to create humans but to make stem cells. 
Scientists think that therapeutic cloning can be used to make tissues and organs for transplants. For example, liver, spleen, gallbladder, kidney, small and large intestines. 

In 1952, a tadpole was cloned.
The sheep Dolly was the first mammal cloned from the cell of an adult animal.
After Dolly, scientists have cloned some sheep, goats, cows, mice, pigs, cats, fishes and rabbits.
Some species such as monkeys, chickens, horses, and dogs, have been unsuccessful. They do not know why, but they think that some species are resistant to it.

  • Cloning is good, because it allows to select the best and healthier donors. This is the way to remedy the problem of endangered species. Improving food supply. With cloning, infertile couples could have children, transplant patients could also have a benefit from cloning. Cloning, at long last, may be the key to understanding cancer, limbs for amputees may be able to be regenerated.
  • On the other hand, cloning gives a false sense of security for animals (no habitat preservation), it could hamper efforts to conserve biodiversity habitats, problem of extinction is not reduced. One more disadvantages of cloning is losing gene diversity and loss of human identity. Cloning is “playing God”– it means that human cloning is out of the God’s permission and it transgresses nature.
         However, there are some risks of cloning. For example, reproductive cloning is expensive and does not work well. More than 90% of cloning attempts do not work. More than 100 nuclear transfer tries could be required to make one clone. So, in addition to low success rates, cloned animals have a higher rates of infection, tumour growth, and other disorders.


        Self esteem is the acceptance of, respect for, confidence and satisfaction that you have in yourself as a person. Self esteem is based upon an internal image of ourselves that we carry around , consciously and subconsciously.

We begin to create our internal image in very early childhood based on our interactions with others and our environment. Especially the signals and messages we receive from our parents at first. Then, from things like our performance in school and sports and how likable our childhood peers and friends and perhaps our siblings make use feel.

During these formative times, if we receive negative signals and messages we may later on suffer from low self esteem in adulthood. This is not good at all. A person with low self esteem starts resisting being self-critical in confusion this can lead to tremendous social interaction problems for them. These people should try building self esteem feel good, be more confident and have a positive attitude.

However, there is high self esteem. High self-esteem means comparing your value to others' and finding yourself superior. It makes us arrogant, selfish, and difficult to be with.

All in all, how we feel about ourselves can influence how we live our lives. People who feel that they are likable and lovable (in other words people with good self-esteem) have better relationships. They're more likely to ask for help and support from friends and family when they need it. People who believe they can accomplish goals and solve problems are more likely to do well in school. Having good self-esteem allows you to accept yourself and live life to the fullest.